Oregon Science Olympiad Loading

Welcome to Oregon Science Olympiad.

OREGON SCIENCE OLYMPIAD is part of the national SCIENCE OLYMPIAD team-based science and engineering competition for students (https://soinc.org).

We host a State Tournament for all registered teams (please see our informational flyer below) and connect students involved in Science Olympiad with opportunities related to their interests. Please see our MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS under the “LEARN” menu to find out more about these opportunities, or considering volunteering with our State Tournament.

We would also like to share registration for an invitational (optional) tournament in our state for B-division (middle school) teams. The Apollo Invitational is now accepting team registration at https://scilympiad.com/apollo This is a mini invitational (featuring some of this year’s events) that will run asynchronously on the week of January 11th-18th, and it’s free of cost.